In the world of business, financial success is often attributed to sales strategies, market positioning, or operational efficiency. But what if the secret to sustained financial growth lay in something far more human—happiness?
This is the story of how Actionable Outcomes partnered with Amazing Workplace to unlock the power of employee happiness, proving that a thriving workforce isn’t just good for morale—it’s great for the bottom line.
A Workplace in Search of More
Actionable Outcomes had long been a company that valued its people. But as the company sought expansion, with it came uncertainty. Leadership wanted to strengthen productivity and financial performance, but was hiring more employees the right answer? If so, how many is the right number? The team was talented, the processes were sound, yet something was missing. The question was simple: What’s holding us back from the growth we know we can achieve?
As senior leaders discussed the future, one fact emerged – it was common knowledge that when employees feel valued and happy at work, companies experience exponential growth. With this fact in hand, the CEO and CFO of Actionable Outcomes reached a smart business decision – if growth is tied to happiness at work, then why aren’t we measuring it?
Enter Amazing Workplace, a People Platform dedicated to measuring and improving Employee Happiness®. In fact, Amazing Workplace owns the registered trademark on employee happiness. Amazing Workplace’s approach was different from traditional survey software companies—they didn’t survey and deliver scores; they measured employee happiness along with how to address areas identified by employees as needing improvement. Finally, information with a purpose.
Data with a Purpose
Actionable Outcomes got to work by utilizing Amazing Workplace’s People Platform to measure employee happiness. They gathered real-time data that revealed the hidden barriers to employee happiness and desired growth.
The findings were eye-opening:
- 97% of Employees were genuinely happy at work.
- 90% of Employees were happy with their pay & benefits.
- Communication and Growth were the top two areas in need of attention.
- Certain groups lacked clear pathways for career growth.
- Certain groups felt disconnected from leadership, impacting motivation.
Armed with accurate information about how employees really felt, Actionable Outcomes wasn’t given problems—they were given solutions.
Turning Insight into Action
With Amazing Workplace’s guidance, Actionable Outcomes implemented targeted strategies:
✅ Growth Paths: Leadership introduced professional development programs, leadership training and more.
✅ Leadership Connection: Executives hosted companywide town halls and one-on-one check-ins to ensure employees felt heard and were kept informed.
The results were extraordinary. Productivity increased and the company’s financial performance skyrocketed. All this was accomplished without a significant increase in hiring.
The Bottom Line of Happiness
By investing in employee happiness, Actionable Outcomes achieved what many companies struggle with—sustainable growth. Employee retention improved, reducing hiring and training costs. Productivity gains led to increased revenue. And a happier workforce attracted top-tier talent, reinforcing a cycle of success. In the end, the partnership between Amazing Workplace and Actionable Outcomes proved one undeniable truth: Happiness isn’t just a feel-good metric—it’s a proven strategy for growth.